Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Play more, make more?

Alright, it’s time to start kicking some mother fucking ass.

Back from a shroomtastic long weekend camping trip. There aren’t many better things on the planet than spending a weekend away with your buddies, playing sports, drinking and talking shit the whole way. Certainly poker isn’t in the same league, but I digress.

I hadn’t played any online poker since last Wednesday, and therefore ended the month of June effectively on that date. Despite dominating for the first 15 days of the month, I ended up with a pretty average month. Here are my end of the month results:

Cash Games: 4.00
SNG's: 4448.00
Tournaments: 498.00
Monthly Net Total: 4950.00
SNGs played: 301
ROI: 25.0%
$/Hour: $88.96

Those stats look pretty impressive right? I mean, other than the fact that I’m too much of a lazy pussy ass sloth to play more than 301 SNGs in a month. But if we look at my stats pre June 20th:

SNGs played: 180
ROI: 40.7%
$/Hour: $146.55

You can just imagine what the remaining 120 games were like. But even with a 25.0% ROI I am extremely happy, even though that is unsustainable in itself.

I imagine the month of July being less successful in terms of ROI and $/Hour, but more successful in terms of total $ earned, which is all that really matters anyways. I think I am becoming stronger at shrugging off losses, as well as forcing myself to continue playing when I am either up for the day or just bored. I still haven’t quite reached my 12k bankroll goal for my move up to the $119s, but when I do I will definitely make the leap. Lee676 has assured me that the caliber of play there is no better than the play at the 60s, it’s just that the swings are obviously larger in scale.

One last note, I ordered DoubleAs' long awaited book last night as well as the 3rd installment of Harrington on Hold’em. I’ve enjoyed reading DoubleAs blog for quite some time now and figured that his book may be an informative and entertaining read.

Alright that’s it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also ordered the vol 3 of harrington with doubleas book.

Looking forward to getting it next week...

12:44 PM  

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