Sunday, December 17, 2006

Workin for the weekend

New Years Resolution #1: No more depressing posts.
New Years Resolution #2: Stop losing money in poker.

Unfortunately resolution #1 is completely dependant on resolution #2.
Fortunately I've been winning.

Throughout the past week I've really tried to analyze my game and also my general approach to the games in general. I think I've made some pretty decent adjustments for gaining extra chips early and mid game. Additionally I've been more restrictive on game selection. Gone are the days where I blindly load up 8 straight games. I'm now examining the competition in the lobby before signing up. If there are too many good players I'll pass and wait for a new one. I've also been waking up early before most of the regulars are up.

But no adjustment has come close to the massively untapped EV fountain that is early mornings on the weekends. Most of the time on the weekends I'm hungover and asleep, but this weekend I wasn't doing anything so I decided to wake up early and get the proverbial worm.

And damn nigga, thems some juicy fields. Barely any regulars to contend with, just all fishy juice factories with an extra $60 to spare. Heres this weeks graph.

As you can see I didn't really play much this week at all, but I'll take $3k/week every fuckin week of my life. It's amazing how a little thing like winning can change your perspective. Running good this month with an ROI of 14% over 300 games, which is quite amazing considering during the first 2 weeks this month, results looked like this:

So you can just imagine how I was feeling after a week of that bullshit. I think its pretty interesting reading back on my blog, seeing how each post completely captures how I was feeling when I wrote it whether or not I intended it to.

And heres one more graph:


Blogger Will Palango said...

SMITHERS! ur back baby, it's amazing how when ever you run good I run good.

love the post but you really think it's a good idea to blab to the world when and were the juicy games are? I think a couple weeks from now those games are going to get eatin up by some regulars, so eat those fish up... while there still there.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Guin said...

Will you assume that regulars read blogs and are looking to them for info on where the weak games are.

I will say that at the B2B network you will find some of the worst cash players I have ever seen. I signed up through Pokersavvy so if you haven't gone after their bonus it should put a few hundred extra dollars onto the bottom line.

RD if we could ever get you to play cash you would love it with longer term reads on players.

7:14 AM  
Blogger RikkiDee said...

I'm not really worried about people reading this because it was a pretty well known fact that saturday/sundays were money and I still never played them (and no one else does either).

Cash games are still a goal of mine, but still far off in the distance. I just suck too much to make a living off them.

5:35 PM  

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