Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Off for a week

Heading down to Margarita Island for the week with the girlfriend. Should be nice to get out of this shitty shitty sloppy shitty sloppy shitty stuff for a while at least.

This day also marks the end of February, which ended up being my best month ever, which is odd as its the shortest month. While I think I increased leaps and bounds in skill level in cash games, I have to attribute the bulk of my success to a new found juicy poker site which provided me with a huge win rate over a pretty significant amount of hands.

And yea, I'm being pretty tight lipped about things, but even though I don't get a serious amount of traffic on this ol' blog, even a few added regulars to my new site could potentially destroy the community of fish rather quick. Or maybe I'm just running good, who knows?

For the most part I gave up on SNGs completely this month, only playing 11 games total. First time since I basically started playing poker that I haven't played SNGs, but I guess it was time to take the training wheels off sometime. I played 34k hands this month, which is still below where I want to be, but ended up being a decent amount. But compared to January's 12k hands, its a nice improvement. Although I did spend a lot of time donking around at the lower levels trying out a few strats, which probably shouldn't count to my hand total. Whatever.

And on a side note, what the hell happened to the size of Alec Baldwin's head? Compare him from Beetlejuice (one of my favorite movies):

To now:

I mean, what kind of head growth hormones is this mutant on?

I know, there are more important things in life but these things keep me up at night. Hopefully a week off in the Caribbean will get my mind of such things.

Peace out.


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