Monday, February 19, 2007

So what was I talking about?

Not sure if I'm running out of things to talk about or if its just cash games that aren't conducive to poker blogging. Probably just running thin. Can't think of what I used to talk about since I just played SNGs where no game reflection was required.

Cash games are going swimmingly. Yep, swimmingly is definitely the correct adjective. I've played 9k hands this month which is actually pathetic compared to most grinders, but my win rates have been excellent (8.23ptbb/100), so I can't complain. I'm playing cash games like I used to play SNGs. I play for a few hours, then quit when I'm up a comfortable amount. It works but it won't make you a superstar.

I need to get my grinding ways back. Part of it is that I'm not entirely comfortable with playing deep stacked poker once I get my stack up past a few buyins. I just hate the thought of losing hours of hard work to a AA vs KK preflop all in bullshit. So theres that. Also I never really regained my grindy ways since I hit a huge downswing back in October/November. So theres that as well.

Goals for the rest of Feb:
  • Get to 20k hands at least
  • Maintain at least a 5ptbb/100 winrate
  • Umm, win monies
And since I'm dry on material, I'll talk about something that isn't poker.

I'm so ridiculously addicted to video games. Its definitely a lifelong addiction. Right now I'm in the middle of playing like 5 games seriously. Madden 07 (PC), Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii), Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Wii), Guitar Hero 2 (PS2) and MLB 05 (PC). I probably play them 5-6 hours a day. I know, awesome.

And even though I have more games than necessary, I went out on the weekend and bought more because I'm basically a gaming degenerate. I picked up probably the gayest looking gamebox I've ever seen and then bought it. Tell me, would you ever play a game that looked like this?

I realize that Wii is geared/marketted towards kids, but come on, how many gay kids can there be?

Regardless it got good reviews online, and I've never played a game created by Nintendo that wasn't good. Its basically a bunch of mini games set at a breakneck pace with a lot of cutesy cartoons and graphics. We spent the weekend drunk and playing it and laughing our asses off. Definitely worth the purchase just for a drunken night or two. Its pretty ridiculous.

I also picked up:

Which is basically just another demo type game like Wii Sports, but with more games. Actually this game was pretty basic, even though it had 9 games included. The best part about it was that it included a fucking remote with it. Good god those are hard to find. I'll probably play this like 2-3 more times before I retire.

And last but not least...

Muthafuckin wireless guitar bitches. Now I'm officially a balla.


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