Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Good Start...


I'm still a lazy piece of shit.

Hands Played: 3259
Amount Won: $2053.44
ptBB/100: 15.75

Still aiming for 10k hands by this Friday. Shutup its doable.

At least I have something to blame my lack of play on, whats your excuse?

My excuse? Oh just the most addictive, time-consuming video game ever conceived. I am so easily tempted, especially with things to do.

Thats right; fucking Everquest. God damn what a time for this slut to come back in my life. The good news is I can already feel myself getting bored with the game already.

No seriously.

Honestly I actually stopped playing today for reasons other than sleep or food. Its actually kind of funny because this game is like 23 years old, and a basically no one plays. I was actually surprised to find out that this game was still in existence with the plentiful number of other MMORPG's now. But people still play. I guess they figure they are too invested in it now to quit. Down with the ship they go.

But me? Nah. I play poker now.

Which reminds me, I have some more playing to do. Lets hope I keep running well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

bubbled last Called an allin from the BB with A5 VS KK...flop AJ5, turn Q, riv...T...out..hahah JPizzle

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's remember what EQ has done for you in the past ...

4:26 PM  

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